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Dating a Russian Lady? 7 Valentine’s Day Mistakes to Avoid and What to Do

14 february written on a box beside a box of chocolates
Celebrate Valentine’s Day in Russia with your partner, and make it memorable.

The major holidays are over. No more worrying about purchasing the wrong gift, setting a festive mood, and showing appreciation for her efforts of making things merry. But not so fast! There’s still one holiday looming on the horizon, and it’s a doozy one: Valentine’s Day.

It’s a day when people from all over the globe express their love to their partners. It’s when gifting cliches and romantic blunders are enough to ruin your significant other’s memory. It’s a celebration where even your best intentions can turn into missteps that can ruin your relationship. All of these are true, especially if you’re dating a Russian lady.

Valentine’s Day in Russia is not as popular as in most Western countries. However, the country has been embracing the celebration for more than a decade. Celebrating Valentine’s Day together is surely a wonderful idea, especially if you haven’t seen each other for a long time. However, even if you surprise her by flying to Russia, there are still pitfalls you need to veer away from to have a memorable and romantic February 14th.

In general, women love it more than men, which is why the latter is prone to trouble when the day arrives. If you’re a guy and want to make this special day as smooth-sailing as it can be, here are common mistakes to avoid on the Day of Hearts.

NOT celebrating Valentine’s Day because there’s no need to.

It seems silly that there’s one day in February when you, as a man, are supposed to prove your love to your woman when, in fact, you can do it every day. Nonetheless, since Valentine’s Day is a holiday hyped by many, even by Russian women, you still have to make an effort. You have to do it right and not spoil the moment.

Many Russian women look forward to celebrating Valentine’s Day since it focuses on giving and receiving love. Call it anything you want, but refusing to celebrate it with her can dampen the spirit of Valentine’s.

You might think that you don’t need this day to prove your love. Think again. You’ll be doing great emotional damage to your relationship if you don’t recognize Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to romantically express your feelings to your partner.

NOT planning ahead.

Before you meet in person, make sure that you have everything covered, from where to go, what to do next, and how to end the day. It’ll be a shame if your mind is preoccupied thinking about the next step instead of focusing on your time together.

NOT buying the right gifts.

Perhaps the worst pitfall you can commit on Valentine’s Day is being thoughtless. Don’t buy anything unless she’s specifically brought it up before. If you’re giving her roses, make sure to know the different meanings behind every color.

NOT booking reservations in advance.

woman and man sitting across with wine glasses on the table.
Russian women are bound to have expectations from their loved ones this Valentine’s Day.

According to TASS, Russia’s leading news agency, almost half of the Russian population spends and celebrates Valentine’s Day. This means that there’s a huge possibility that every restaurant and cinema in the city may be fully occupied on February 14th. Failing to book a table for two or two tickets in advance can be disastrous to your date.

NOT focusing on the entirety of Valentine’s Day.

One common mistake men commit during Valentine’s Day is focusing only on the date rather than the entirety of the day. Often, after people come home from a movie or dinner date, they just sit on the couch and watch TV or keep busy browsing the Internet using their phones. The catch? Don’t make “Valentine’s night out” the special time of the day when the rest is back to your daily routine. Your partner may feel like there’s nothing special going on throughout the day.

NOT relying on other days to fuel the fire in your relationship.

If Valentine’s Day is the only day of the year when you spice up your relationship, what happens when it’s over? No more going to the movies and cinemas? No more fancy restaurants and wines? Admit it, not every day is a lovefest, but if Valentine’s Day is your only path to romance, then your boat is sinking.

NOT involving physical intimacy.

woman holding a Happy Valentine’s Day card.
Russian women appreciate men who make an effort on Valentine’s Day.

Now that you’ve ticked all the Valentine’s Day to-do boxes, it’s easy to forget about the intimacy part. Sure, she’ll definitely appreciate your effort, but she’s human. She needs to feel your presence and know you’re really there for her.

It’s easy to commit some of these mistakes without even realizing it, especially when you’re over the moon for finally celebrating Valentine’s together. As you can see, you can avoid these pitfalls if you put in a little effort and by paying attention to your partner and to yourself. After all, you’re celebrating Valentine’s Day not just because it’s a trend, you’re celebrating because you care and love your woman. You want to give her the special treatment she deserves.

Remember to keep up the gestures of love for the rest of the year and have a romantic Valentine’s Day, champ!

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