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5 Deal Breakers to be Wary of in a Romantic Relationship

A frustrated couple sitting on the bench
Russian WomenTime to get honest with your self and your relationship.
This relationship advice is one you should have known early on.
| Photo by Vera Arsic on Pexels

Most people, whether they admit it or not, prefer that their romantic relationship play out like the ones commonly portrayed in the movies and fairy tales. There may be issues to face and obstacles to overcome but still, true love always finds a way to win and come out on top.

However, the reality is sometimes very far off from this perfect fantasy. While there is still affection, subtle changes start to happen and it slowly destroys the relationship — and the people involved in it too — until all that’s left is resentment and an empty partnership.

This list shows the deal breakers of a relationship. If any of these fits your situation, then start to consider if it’s still worth staying with your partner.

  1. Your partner shows no respect for you. It is a given that any decent person will treat others like how they would want themselves to be treated. And if your partner can’t do this very essential thing for harmonious coexistence, it is your first clue to move away from them.

    Do not tolerate anything less than full respect, because you are entitled to it. No successful relationship was ever built on rudeness.

  2. You have to justify your partner’s behavior in front of others. Even if it goes against your conscience, you still defend their actions because you love them. When every good friend you have is explaining why you shouldn’t stand up for them, you reason out that there’s no need for others to understand your relationship because this is your normal.

    It’s not. You are obviously going against yourself and hurting other valuable relationships in the process. You should not feel obligated to keep justifying your partner’s misdeeds.

  3. You can’t be yourself. If you have to suppress yourself — or even a part of you — for your partner’s sake, then that’s not the best example of a healthy romantic relationship you were looking for, right?

    What true love means is wholeheartedly supporting each other in their happiness and mutually pushing the relationship to grow alongside them. There is no space for selfishness in a romance that is real.

  4. You do everything to avoid getting your partner upset. Including lying, sneaking around and even sacrificing your feelings — all in an effort to tame their temper and not jeopardize the status quo.

    You believe that by controlling what information gets to them or by letting their offenses go, you are saving the relationship. However, in truth, you are only setting yourself up for pain when the consequences come to haunt you back. You don’t deserve to live a life of fear and hidden pain.

  5. You always fight and bring out the worst in each other. Love is supposed to bring the best out of everyone, not their dark halves. If you only end up hurting each other in the effort of staying together, then that makes the whole point moot.

    This kind of relationship is bound to explode right at your faces. And before that happens, make the right choice and get out right away.

Do these situations sound familiar to you? If so, then maybe it’s time to think things through and look at the option of separation to stop the damage from worsening. Always remember that no healthy and satisfying relationship would require you to suffer for it. Love can be all kinds of things, but never toxic.

If you’re still looking for more dating and relationship advice, simply sign up here. We’re ready to guide you on your love journey!

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