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Relationship Advice | 5 Relationship-Ending Issues

Man and woman sitting at a poorly lit corner.
Russian WomenTake this relationship advice as a warning sign for you. | Photo by
Fred Moon
on Unsplash

Romantic relationships are built through desire and mutual effort. However, no matter how much affection there is between partners, issues and complications are still bound to arise. Some are easy to handle and resolve, while others are so grave and serious that the only reasonable resolution is dissolution.

In this list, we will share pieces of relationship advice for couples who are perpetually stuck in a rut and clarify love problems that are actually deal-breakers. Maybe it’s not that you’re not going anywhere — it’s just that there’s nowhere else to go.

  1. You don’t respect each other. If there is disdain, anger, and finger-pointing in your relationship, then it is a sure sign that your love is standing upon a weak foundation. Disrespect will only lead to a disconnect in the relationship and, ultimately, into an ugly breakup that will intensify your negative feelings.

    You must realize that every type of relationship — romantic or not — must have respect as a requirement. If yours has none, then it’s not true love, is it?

  2. Cheating happens again and again and again and .... Accepting back a partner who has cheated is not unheard of. However, if you are still staying with a serial cheater and liar, aren’t you just steeping yourself in pain and exhaustion?

    If your partner isn’t willing to stay committed to you and to the relationship, then you shouldn’t stay for any second longer.

  3. Your partner is overly secretive. Having time for one’s self is essential for any relationship. However, if your partner becomes too distant and overprotective of their goings-on, even if they are at home, this creates a rift between what is supposed to be an honest and transparent partnership. Not to mention that distrust will surely creep up in your mind.

    Remember that privacy and secrecy are two different things. And you wouldn’t want to stay in a relationship where you’ll always be guessing their games, right?

  4. Unhealthy habits are forced into the relationship. Your personal safety and comfort should never be compromised for anyone else, let alone for a relationship that is declining into a toxic state. If your love is turning to bad habits to keep the connection strong, then it’s a major sign to get out as soon as possible.

    Even if it’s just your partner who’s undertaking said habit, being in the same space with her will eventually corrupt you soon enough.

  5. You can’t open up to each other. It will be a hard relationship to weather if one of you prefers to just bottle up emotions rather than confront directly the issues behind them. Not only is this an unhealthy behavior, but such actions will also create distance between partners since there is no comfort offered when frustrations are expressed.

    If there’s one relationship advice you must truly take to heart, it’s that love doesn’t have to hurt in any way.

Being able to handle complications in romantic relationships is a beautiful thing to experience. However, sometimes, there are things that just can’t be fixed readily. In those times, realize that letting go may be the best course of action.

Do you still have love questions? Are you looking for more dating tips and relationship advice? The search is over! Here at Russia Women, we’ve got you covered with everything there is to know about love. Sign up here and start the happy journey.

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