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10 Ways to Show Appreciation to Your Long Distance Partner

Are you involved in a long distance relationship? Does your partner constantly complain about you not having enough time for her?

In a long distance relationship, showing your partner that you appreciate them even if there are hundreds of miles between you two needs constant work.

You need to show excellent and creative ways to show your long distance partner that you appreciate her.

Why? Because you can easily feel unappreciated or overlooked by your partner because of your busy life schedule and the different time zones.

You’ll be miles apart for some time and you know you’ll both miss each other terribly. Though you can’t physically see her, do simple and sweet things to let her know she’s in your thoughts and always in your heart no matter where in the world she may be.

To keep the spice going even while being miles apart from each other, here are ways to show appreciation in a relationship:

A heart hand-sign with a phone in the background.
Celebrate Couple Appreciation Month with your long-distance partner and make it memorable.

1. Share a Photo or Snap of Your Day

Many people think that constantly sending snaps to your partner is too intrusive. That’s not true.

Sharing the moments of your day is very important in long distance relationships. Couples appreciate sharing even the smallest of things.

Because smartphones allow you to share even the most mundane details of your day, you’re never out of touch with each other.

So get your smartphone and take selfies to send to your partner.

For example, if you are having a drink with your buddies, you can send wacky photos of yourself to your partner. Your wacky poses can make them fall in love with you even harder. You can also take a picture of how you enjoy your morning coffee or how you do your night time routine, really just anything that will make them feel loved.

This will make them feel involved in your day-to-day life.

2. Start a Fun Countdown to the Next Time You See Each Other Again

Couples look forward to the time that they can see each other again.

Make a fun calendar for you to start counting for that day. Counting down days will help you get through the long days when you miss each other.

You can also try to download any countdown app and install it on your phone. Ask your partner to do the same and set notifications that will remind you every day.

3. Make a Special Playlist

When you are both busy with life and making time with each other becomes harder to fit into your schedule, simply listening to a playlist can help you get through the day feeling inspired. Create one that is especially put together by the two of you.

You can include each other’s favorite songs and those that are memorable to both of you.

That playlist will make your partner smile and remind her just how much you love each other even if you are not physically together.

Creating a couple playlists is one way of showing your care and appreciation for your partner.

4. Pick Up Your Phone and Call or Video Call Her

Call your partner often - even at random times of the day. One way to show appreciation through words is by simply calling them.

Because of the convenience of texts or chats, you seldom forget how refreshing it is to hear each other’s voices. Show affection to your partner by giving her your undivided attention.

Facetime or skype with her for a few minutes and simply gaze at her.

Couples who are unable to be physically close need to maintain that emotional connection. Calling solves this better than texting or chatting.

A photo of a woman taking a call on a ground near a building.
Create lasting memories even if you are miles away from each other.

5. Hand-Made Gifts

Don’t dwell on the sadness of being away from each other. Instead, redirect your thoughts and try to create hand-made gifts. If you are crafty enough you can do wonderful things that your partner will appreciate.

Who says guys can’t be creative and do crafty things? Why not give them a painting or even a hand-made scarf or accessory that they can use daily?

6. Pick Out a Unique Ringtone for Each Other

Be extra cute by changing your default ringtone to a unique one. You can both record something that is romantic or pick a song that is meaningful to the two of you.

This will set your partner’s call and message notifications apart from others. With this, you can instantly be happy by just hearing the notification, knowing that it is from the love of your life.

7. Write a Poem or a Story about Your Love

If you are not good at showing your love, you can start by writing romantically. While expressing love in writing can be cheesy, your partner will know that you are very much in love with her.

You can start by writing letters, a poem, or a story about the two of you and share it to your partner.

8. Make a Couple Photo Album

When you feel like missing your partner, what you normally do is look for your photos together in your gallery. But sometimes it is harder to find them if you have a lot of pictures on your phone.

To solve that, create a photo album on your phone.

If you are crafty enough and you have time, be extra and create a real photo album. Print some of your pictures and put them on a cute photo album.

9. Have a Virtual Date

When couples miss each other, they just make plans and see each other. This is not the case for long distance couples.

But there is no reason to be sad; you can still spend time together virtually. Set up a space in your place and open your laptop. You can plan out to have dinner or enjoy a movie together.

Even if you are apart, you can still show effort. Thanks to the internet you can maintain your romantic relationship with your long-distance partner.

10. Plan a Surprise Visit

In a long distance relationship, this is the ultimate way to show your love and appreciation to your partner. Nothing beats seeing your partner in real time.

You can plan your visit during the important dates of your relationship such as her birthday or your anniversary. Coming over on Valentine’s Day or Couple Appreciation Month can also be heartwarming.

Collaborate with her family and friends to make the surprise epic.

Surviving Long Distance

It takes two strong individuals for a long distance relationship to become a healthy relationship.

To show your appreciation, do nice things for your partner to show them that they are loved and cared for regardless of the distance. It never requires you to have a lot of money or time, just simple gestures that screams you love them and see them are more than enough.

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